“If a given tool is operated with a precision that defies belief, that operator is likely an ISTP” David Keirsey.
Do you find great joy in getting your hand dirty, pulling things apart, then putting them back together to leave them a little better than before? Then, you might be the ISTP of the MBTI personality type. ISTPs are observant crafters who desire to understand how things work.
People with the ISTP personality are drawn to the mechanics of the world around them and can manipulate these tools to work in their favor. While their mechanical tendencies may make them appear basic at face value, ISTPs are enigmatic, calm but suddenly spontaneous, and friendly but very private.
Interestingly, ISTPs are uncommon; they make up 4%-6% of the population in the United States. They are, however, more common in men making up 9% of the people, while women make up only 2%. So, what else can you learn about the Myers-Briggs ISTP personality type?
In this article, we look closely at ISTP personality traits, career choices, strengths, and weaknesses, among other things.
Unsure if you have the ISTP personality type? Take the Myers-Briggs ISTP personality type test now!
What Is ISTP Personality Type?
Katherine Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Myers, categorized people as one of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types according to four main traits. The four key characteristics of the ISTP personality are introverted, thinking, sensing, and perceiving. They're energized by time alone (introverted), fact-based, and not riled up by ideas and concepts (sensing).
They make decisions based on logic (thinking) and are spontaneous and flexible (perceiving) rather than planning or organizing things. ISTPs are best referred to as the "Crafter," the "Virtuoso," or the "Logical Pragmatist" and are nicknamed natural "Makers" because they are adept at pulling anything apart and putting the pieces back in order. They possess a knack for leaving things in better condition even if they had nothing to do with the initial disorder.
Moreover, people with the ISTP personality type revel in creating ideas, solving problems, trial and error, and firsthand experience. They're warm to be around and usually have no obvious clue that they attract others by the energy they exude. Interestingly, they enjoy others taking an interest in their projects and would easily invite them to their space as long as they don't interfere with Virtuosos' freedom and principles.
With cool pragmatism, higher curiosity levels, and a high penchant for solving problems, ISTP personality type celebrities have brought many solutions worldwide. Their perspective and eagerness for a better world help them shape things and people around them for the best results in their careers and relationships.
Here are a few examples of famous people with ISTP personality:
- Steve Jobs
- Jack Dorsey, founder of Twitter
- Donald Rumsfeld
- Clint Eastwood
- Frank Zappa
- Simon Cowell
- Tom Cruise
- Christian Bale
- Woody Allen
- Stanley Kubrick
- Keith Richards
- Harrison Ford
- Amy Winehouse
- Tiger Woods
- Michael Jordan
- Bruce Lee
- Zachary Taylor, former U.S. president
- Amelia Earhart, aviator
The Cognitive Functions of ISTP Personality Type
People have different cognitive functions ranging from thinking, sensing, intuition, and feeling. Each of these can either be directed inwards or outwards. The way these functions are arranged in a person determines their personality.
Let's look at the cognitive function of the ISTP personality type.
ISTP Dominant: Introverted Thinking
ISTPs use much of their free time to think over information and ideas in their head. They're often quiet because they express themselves the least through verbal engagements. They're careful with their steps, even when their decision-making approach needs to be revised. Only after careful thought and derisive observation can you find them taking action. Their focus is more on the things that feel useful and practical.
Crafters have a high sense of logic and rationality. They approach situations objectively and rarely mix emotional or subjective factors when faced with a decision. Relating with ISTPs can be challenging as they're result-oriented and do not care much about emotions.
ISTP Auxiliary Function: Extraverted Sensing
Crafters take things one oil barrel at a time. They would rather be in the "here and now" than make long-term commitments. They put little energy into focusing on plans and possibilities that are to come. They're logical in understanding how different systems go together.
ISTPs might disassemble a mechanical device to understand its underlying mechanisms and then put it back together. As much as they understand theoretical and abstract information in an instant, such approaches to learning appeal to them less. Without the practical bit of it, they are out.
ISTP Tertiary Function: Introverted Intuition
Introverted intuition is a function that operates unconsciously on ISTPs. Ideas that seem abstract won't interest the Crafter personality type, so they would instead turn them into practical solutions. However, they get "gut feelings," thanks to the tertiary introverted intuition function.
ISTP Inferior Function: Extraverted Feeling
The extraverted feeling is a background function in an ISTP personality. In times of stress and pressure, this feeling can resurface in them. They're known to ignore feelings that they don't relate to and typically make them burst out when overwhelmed.
Characteristics of the ISTP Personality Type
Now, let's look at some of the key personality traits of Crafters.
ISTP’s are level-headed.
A common misconception accorded to ISTPs is that they are stoic, 'the quiet type.’ In as much as they're reserved, crafters experience intense emotions. They're superb at coping with crises, keeping calm, and remaining objective.
ISTP’s are even-tempered.
They have an easygoing attitude toward other people. Their talkative nature comes out in settings with common ground or factors.
ISTP’s are emotionally detached.
They don't easily tune in to the feelings of other people around them. Due to this trait, they may appear insensitive or cold. They can also ignore their feelings until they're overwhelmed.
ISTP’s are open to new experiences.
They like participating in risk and thrill-seeking activities. New experiences spark their energy more than things they are familiar with. This is why sometimes they choose flying, racing, or firefighting careers.
ISTP’s are objective.
They use objective criteria instead of personal beliefs and values.
ISTP’s are goal-oriented.
ISTPs look forward to results. They're motivated to find the underlying cause of a problem and the solution.
ISTP Strengths
Here are some attributes that make the Crafter personality type remarkable.
- Logical
- Learn best through experience
- Enjoy new experiences
- Action-oriented
- Realistic and practical
- Easygoing individuals
- Self-confident
ISTP Weakness
While there are many wonderful things to say about the ISTP personality type, they struggle with a thing or two. Let's look at some of their weaknesses.
- Difficult to relate with
- Insensitive at times
- Take huge risks
- Get bored easily
- Don’t like commitments
How Does the ISTP Personality Type Relate to Other People?
Regarding relationships, it's a bit of a tango for the ISTP, with spontaneity and self-detachment in equal measure. They'll immediately push their partners away when they feel an understood arrangement is fostered to secure a commitment, especially earlier in the relationship. It makes them go into a frenzy, something close to panic mode, since they don't like feeling controlled. That is why, understanding what personality types are ISTPs are compatible with is so important.
ISTPs rarely express their emotions to others. This applies to every aspect of their relationships. What they think is mutually understood is usually left unsaid. But this doesn't mean they don't have feelings. On the contrary, Virtuosos love deeply; they have an excellent way of concealing their feelings to protect themselves.
ISTPs can commit to the long haul, especially if they feel their partner understands them. They can become steady partners in relationships if you give them space to be themselves. Moreover, they live in the moment and love to partake in activities that engage their senses.
As long as the Crafter personality type knows they have the freedom in a relationship to be passionate about an idea one minute and be indifferent the next without being grilled about it, then it'll thrive. ISTPs are compatible with personalities that share the Virtuosos observant trait but have opposing characteristics that'll mold them to explore the world and other people around it.
ISTP Leadership and Communication Style
In his book Type Talk at Work, Otto Kroeger described the ISTPs as lone rangers. Since their top requirement is unpredictability, it can become challenging to relate with them. Just give them their space to work on technical problems; they’ll be the most productive people in any setup.
Crafters are great listeners and may only dismiss their employees after getting to the root cause of the problem. They are observant leaders who pride themselves in looking further into the issues to see where others may have overlooked them. It brings joy to them when a goal set comes to fruition.
ISTPs don't like expressing themselves, so they'll communicate concisely with subordinates. They enjoy keeping their opinion to themselves but will act out right as expected. They'll ensure they're comprehensive and transparent so they don't repeat simple instructions and information. An ISTP will always be clear so that they have ample time to work by themselves and still ensure matters are in control.
Best Career Paths for ISTP Personality Type
Owing to their introverted nature, the ISTP personality type thrives in jobs that require a person to work alone. They don't like too much structure and protocol and choose flexible careers with autonomy and freedom of thinking. They love working on projects that have hands-on experience with a lot of reasoning.
While all ISTPs seek real-world, practical applications for their skills, Assertive ISTPs (ISTP-A) are typically more confident in fast-paced, high-pressure roles, whereas Turbulent ISTPs (ISTP-T) may prefer careers that offer a balance of hands-on work and stability.
ISTPs will always go for real-world practical applications. The popular ISTP career paths include:
- Engineering
- Forensic science
- Computer Programming
- Carpentry
- Software Engineering
- Mechanics
- Law Enforcement
- Photography
- Physical Therapist
- Pilot
- Firefighter
- Scientist
- Athletics
You can also take the Holland Career Assessment to better match your special occupational interests.
Growth And Interaction Tips for ISTPs
For the Crafter personality type to thrive and grow, they must constantly take in information through extraverted sensing to expand their worldview on human expectation.
Here are a few tips to help move them in the right direction.
Explore their strengths
ISTPs need to feed into their strength by mastering their environment. Allow plenty of opportunity to perfect their abilities, be it painting, drawing, riding, or whatever. Most senses of well-being come from these experiences.
Discuss their thoughts.
Talking to others about their thoughts and ideas can help Virtuoso's personality develop their extraverted sensing, which helps them understand the world around them. Allowing the auxiliary function to take center stage will also help improve their overall happiness and health.
Respect their need for action.
ISTPs need to always be in the groove. It's in their nature to always work actively with their environment. Therefore, they should embrace this need for an active lifestyle.
Work to understand social principles.
Society functions around some basic social principles. It's, therefore, important for ISTPs to realize that external views are just as important as their beliefs and priorities.
Be considerate.
ISTPs should always try to see where others are coming from. Yes, their ideas and thought processes may be different from theirs, but there's always something peculiar and exciting that they can add to the table.
Is ISTP Personality Type Similar to Enneagram?
Both Enneagram and ISTP personality types attempt to explore and explain human behavior and how they respond to different matters. The difference is that they apply other theories to understand different individuals.
The ISTP is similar to Enneagram Type 5 because they both have a passion for learning, think critically, and possess analytical skills. Both look at a situation from all possible angles before concluding. These groups comprise people who like interpersonal peace and ample time to be alone.
You can take the Enneagram test to learn more about your Enneagram type!
Is ISTP Similar to the Big Five Personalities?
The Big Five Personality method employs a trait-based approach in describing how and why people behave the way they do rather than using personality types. It's a good example that measures the differences in personality along five wide dimensions: Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. ISTP of the 16 MBTI personality types is less precise in measurements of each specific trait.
However, knowing your MBTI personality can give you a clue about where you fall on the spectrum for each dimension. Most ISTPs will score below average on the four Big Five dimensions, except for neuroticism. They vary widely on the neurotic spectrum, distributed unevenly with no apparent trend. Taking the Big Five assessment can provide you with additional information about who you are, in conjunction with your MBTI personality type.
Do You Have an ISTP Personality Type?
Few personalities from the MBTI are as bold and unpredictable as the ISTPs. They’re known for their hands-on abilities and technical mastery; Virtuosos can improvise just about anything to find unique solutions to the most technical problems. They have a compelling drive to learn new things in all areas of their lives, even when it comes to personal growth.
ISTPs fall short when practicality takes center stage in almost everything, whether going steady with a new lover, trying to reach greater heights in their careers, or planning ahead. Therefore, they must make conscious choices to improve their weaker traits and develop additional skills to have a wholesome life.
Did you mutter, "Wow! Someone finally gets me," or "They know too much! It’s creepy" once or twice while reading this article?
If so, you're most likely a logical pragmatist, but to be sure, you'll need to take the ISTP personality test.